Section outline
These resources are about advocacy and climate advocacy in general, and can be applied to all three of the Policy and Advocacy Level Climate Actions.
UNCC: Introduction to Sustainable Development in PracticeDownloads a Word document
This e-learning focuses the rationale, drivers, challenges, and opportunities for an integrated approach to tackling poverty-environment issues at the international, national and sub-national levels.
Credit: UN Climate Change
Thorough reading time: 2 hoursUNCC: Advancing Sustainable Development in PracticeDownloads a Word document
This course teaches learners how to apply in practice an integrated approach to sustainable development throughout the various stages of the policy and project cycle, including analysis, dialogue, planning, financing, communicating, monitoring, and evaluation. The course contains tools, tips, and methods for applying sustainable development in practice.
Credit: UN Climate Change
Thorough reading time: 8 hoursWhat does good Climate Policy look like? (2022) Downloads a Word document
This article highlights key considerations when considering climate policy announcements.
Credit: Climate Council
Thorough reading time: 5-10 minutesIdeas for Climate Advocacy (2022)Downloads a Word document
This resource provides foundational understanding of both climate justice and advocacy; summaries of scientific findings on the climate crisis, and examples of climate advocacy in action.
Credit: ACT Alliance
Thorough reading time: 45-60 minutes
No. of pages: 44ACT Alliance Advocacy Academy - Climate JusticeDownloads a Word document
An e-learning developed by the ACT Alliance that supports organisations in their climate advocacy - including topics of climate science, climate justice, advocacy targets, solutions and a resource library. The general Advocacy module outlines how advocacy works in pracitce and steps in planning your advocacy.
Credit: ACT AllianceA Little Less Conversation: Climate Governance (2024)Downloads a Word document
Climate change could be a political football, easily booted from agency to agency, if there was no true will to progress the agenda. It is true that climate falls under the remit of a number of government agencies – but thankfully, there is the will to ensure it is divided up carefully and with thought. Howard Bamsey, who has spent much of his career as a diplomat and in climate change, joins the podcast to tell Rachel and Dermot all about the architecture of climate governance.
Credit: Good Will Hunters, WWF, ACFID
Listening time: 45 minutesAdvocacy Tools and Guidelines: Promoting Policy Change (2001)Downloads a Word document
Tools and guidelines to help program managers with the skills to become effective advocates.
Credit: OXFAM
Thorough reading time: 3-4 hours
No. of pages: 129Leading development agencies welcome early agreement on the Loss and Damage Fund announced at COP28 (2023)Downloads a Word document
Oxfam Australia, The Climate Action Network Australia, ActionAid Australia, Caritas Australia and Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education have welcomed the landmark announcement of the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund at COP28, and call on Australia to make an initial $100 million pledge to the Fund.
Credit: YWCA Australia
Thorough reading time: 10-20 minutesA Little Less Conversation: Loss and Damage (2023)Downloads a Word document
Loss and damage has quickly emerged as a key theme of COP28, with the news ahead of the summit that rich countries would set up a loss and damage fund, as promised last year. So what is loss and damage, and how has it become the latest frontier in the fight against climate change? Two loss and damage experts join us on this episode to explain more: Julie-Ann Richards, who is the strategy lead for the Loss and Damage Coalition; and Dr Melanie Pill, with the Lowy Institute.
Credit: Good Will Hunters, WWF, ACFID
Listening time: 50 minutesClimate Justice - Loss and DamageDownloads a Word document
Some short videos explaining where Loss and Damage sits in the spectrum of Climate Action
Credit: OXFAM
Reading time: 10-20 minutes
No. of videos: 2 videos of 10 minutes each7-Step Advocacy PlanDownloads a Word document
A brief guide from YWCA on how to approach advocacy
Credit: YWCA Australia
Thorough reading time: 20-30 minutesAdvocacy Toolkit for joint action on climate change, the environment and health. (2023)Downloads a Word document
A toolkit for health leaders, health workers and the public in the Pacific to advocateabout the health impacts of climate and environmental change.
Credit: WHOAnalysis of Australia's Development Policy (2023)Downloads a Word document
ACFID's overview and analysis of Australia's New Development Policy - Page 11 focused on Climate Change
Credit: ACFID
Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
No. of pages: 32ACFID's Submission to the New Development Policy on Climate Change (2022)Downloads a Word document
ACFID's submission on Australia's New International Development Policy. Pages 14-16 on Climate Change
Credit: ACFID
Thorough reading time: 45-60 minutes
No. of pages: 25National Advocacy Toolkit (2016)Downloads a Word document
The toolkit aims to guide CSOs to work together to plan and undertake an advocacy initiative around resilience issues within their countries and provides simple tools, approaches and tips for the process.
Credit: GNDR
Thorough reading time: 1-2 hours
No. of pages: 66Engaging with the Green Climate Fund_CSO Toolkit (2019)Downloads a Word document
This toolkit aims to provide civil society actors and their organisations, as well as any other stakeholders interested in the GCF, with relevant information, knowledge, and guidance on how to get involved with the fund.
Credit: CARE
Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
No. of pages: 84