Guidance for the development of a Climate Action Policy Opens in new tab
Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action: Strategic Roadmap for a Thriving Environment for ChildrenOpens in new tab |
Grant calendar for NGOs in the Aus-PacificOpens in new tab |
Climate Action Framework for the Australian International Development SectorOpens in new tab |
Climate Action Framework for the Australian International Development Sector - SummaryOpens in new tab |
Introduction to Climate Change and DevelopmentOpens in new tab |
Integrating climate action into CSO programming: A How to GuideOpens in new tab |
Integrating climate change action across the Australian international development sector: Enablers of Best PracticeOpens in new tab |
Integrating climate change action across the Australian international development sector: Setting te scene for ANGOsOpens in new tab |
Understanding Climate ChangeOpens in new tab |
Resilience HandbookOpens in new tab |
weADAPTOpens in new tab |
Care Climate and Resilience Academy: Climate Justice and Gender JusticeOpens in new tab |
10 Things to know: Gender equality and achieving climate goalsOpens in new tab |
Gender and Climate Change Training HandbookOpens in new tab |
Making It Count. Integrating Gender into Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Practical How-to GuideOpens in new tab |
Children in a Changing ClimateOpens in new tab |
Environment and Climate Action: Investing in Sustainable Outcomes for ChildrenOpens in new tab |
Gender Equality, Women's Voice and ResilienceOpens in new tab |
Using Community-Centred Approaches to Build Resilience to ScaleOpens in new tab |
Pacific gender and climate change toolkitOpens in new tab |
Climate Change: Questions for your Governing BodyOpens in new tab |
Climate Risk Governance GuideOpens in new tab |
Climate Governance for NFP Directors: Starting the Journey to Net ZeroOpens in new tab |
Climate Change and organisational strategy: Developing strategy for a changing environment from the perspective of the boardOpens in new tab |
Connecting Climate Change and StrategyOpens in new tab |
DFAT's Environmental Risk Good Practice NoteOpens in new tab |
DFAT's Environmental and Social Safeguarding PolicyOpens in new tab |
DFAT's Environmental and Social Safeguard Operarational ProceduresOpens in new tab |
DFAT's Social and Environmental Safeguarding Screening ToolOpens in new tab |
Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)Opens in new tab |
Short course - Becoming a Climate-Smart OrganisationOpens in new tab |
Decarbonising Australian Volunteers InternationalOpens in new tab |
Blog: The sustainability initiative so effective it endedOpens in new tab |
Business Carbon CalculatorOpens in new tab |
What's the aid sector's carbon footprintOpens in new tab |
The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian OrganisationsOpens in new tab |
The Humanitarian Carbon CalculatorOpens in new tab |
Green Office ChecklistOpens in new tab |
Environmental impact in procurement - goods and services procurement guideOpens in new tab |
Sustainability Action PlanningOpens in new tab |
Green Office Climate CalculatorOpens in new tab |
Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook and e-LearningsOpens in new tab |
CVCA #1 – The Basics of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity AnalysisOpens in new tab |
CVCA #2: The CVCA Step-by-StepOpens in new tab |
Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)Opens in new tab |
Gender-sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity AnalysisOpens in new tab |
Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Analysis (PCVA): A Practitioners GuideOpens in new tab |
CEDRA: Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Risk and Adaptation AssessmentOpens in new tab |
Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) and Disaster Ready ProgramOpens in new tab |
Community Led Adaptation Pathways in Solomon Islands ProjectOpens in new tab |
Shifting the Power CoalitionOpens in new tab |
Women's Weather Watch (Women Wetum Weta, WWW), VanuatuOpens in new tab |
UNFCCC Climate Action Pathway: Resilience, Action Table (2020)Opens in new tab |
Adapting to a Changing ClimateOpens in new tab |
Care Toolkit for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development ProjectsOpens in new tab |
Beyond Barriers: Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the PacificOpens in new tab |
Bridging Localisation and Climate Adaptation Pathways: Case Studies from Asia, The Middle East and AfricaOpens in new tab |
Planning for Resilience: A Practitioner's ManualOpens in new tab |
Adaptation Toolkit: Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change into Secure LivelihoodsOpens in new tab |
Climate Witness: Community ToolkitOpens in new tab |
Climate change action through civil society programs: Part 2Opens in new tab |
Gender transformative climate change action in the PacificOpens in new tab |
Considerations to Integrate Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation into Health System Strengthening ProgrammingOpens in new tab |
Climate change response for inclusive WASH: A guidance note for WaterAid Timor LesteOpens in new tab |
IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based SolutionsOpens in new tab |
IUCN Nature-based Solutions for People and PlanetOpens in new tab |
Community-Led Adaptation Pathways in Solomon Islands ProjectOpens in new tab |
Papua New Guinea Livelihoods Project - Mangoro Market MeriOpens in new tab |
Farmer Managed Natural RegenerationOpens in new tab |
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration eWorkshopOpens in new tab |
Nature-based Solutions for ClimateOpens in new tab |
Nature-based Solutions UNDP DatabaseOpens in new tab |
Nature-based solutions for climateOpens in new tab |
A Little Less Conversation: Nature Based SolutionsOpens in new tab |
Eco toolkit Opens in new tab |
The Road to RestorationOpens in new tab |
Community organising toolkit on ecosystem restorationOpens in new tab |
A toolkit to support conservation by indigenous people and local communitiesOpens in new tab |
Loru Forest Carbon ProjectOpens in new tab |
Preparing Low-Emission Climate-Resilient Development StrategiesOpens in new tab |
UNCC: Introduction to Sustainable Development in PracticeOpens in new tab |
UN CC: Advancing Sustainable Development in PracticeOpens in new tab |
What does good Climate Policy look like?Opens in new tab |
Ideas for Climate AdvocacyOpens in new tab |
ACT Alliance Advocacy Academy - Climate JusticeOpens in new tab |
A Little Less Conversation: Climate GovernanceOpens in new tab |
Advocacy Tools and Guidelines: Promoting Policy ChangeOpens in new tab |
Leading development agencies welcome early agreement on the Loss and Damage Fund announced at COP28Opens in new tab |
A Little Less Conversation: Loss and DamageOpens in new tab |
Climate Justice - Loss and DamageOpens in new tab |
7-Step Advocacy PlanOpens in new tab |
Advocacy Toolkit for joint action on climate change, the environment and health. Opens in new tab |
Analysis of Australia's Development PolicyOpens in new tab |
ACFID's Submission to the New Development Policy on Climate ChangeOpens in new tab |
National Advocacy Toolkit Opens in new tab |
Engaging with the Green Climate Fund_CSO ToolkitOpens in new tab |
Shifting the Power CoalitionOpens in new tab |
UNEP Adaptation Gap ReportOpens in new tab |
Taking a gender sensitive approach to climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptationOpens in new tab |
A Little Less Conversation: Adaptation and MitigationOpens in new tab |
Falling Short: Australia's Role in Funding Fairer Climate Action in a Warming WorldOpens in new tab |
Revitalising the Green Climate FundOpens in new tab |
Halftime at COP28: Reflections from DubaiOpens in new tab |
Oxfam response to Australia climate finance announcementOpens in new tab |
The future is a choice: The Oxfam Framework and Guidance for Resilient DevelopmentOpens in new tab |
World Vision International Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Green RecoveryOpens in new tab |
Better Futures AustraliaOpens in new tab |
Micah Australia: Climate ChangeOpens in new tab |
Pacific Young Women Responding to Climate ChangeOpens in new tab |
Climate Action TrackerOpens in new tab |
A Little Less Conversation: Adaptation and MitigationOpens in new tab |
OXFAM Australia's Advocacy on a Just TransitionOpens in new tab |
Submission to the Inquiry into the Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023Opens in new tab |
Climate of the Nation 2023Opens in new tab |
Causes of Global WarmingOpens in new tab |
Calculate Your FootprintOpens in new tab |
Write to the Climate MinisterOpens in new tab |
Updated assessment of Australia's emission reduction targets and 1.5 degree pathways.Opens in new tab |
Climate Change and disaster resilience - integration for transformation
Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change ConversationsOpens in new tab |
The intersection of sexual and reproductive health and rights and the climate crisis
Come Heat or High Water: Tackling the humanitarian impacts of the climate crisis together
Climate Resilience Video PlaylistOpens in new tab |
How can development programs better scale-up Climate Smart Agricutulture? Lessons from Asia and Pacific
Empowering local actors to increase the climate resilience of WASH services
ACFID Connect: Climate COP 101