Section outline

  • Reducing environmental impact is an environmental restoration response at the operational level. The objective of reducing environmental impact is to reduce the environmental impact of an organisation’s operations and programs.


    Actions to reduce environmental impact should be evidence-based.

    Actions to reduce environmental impact should be equitable.

    Actions to reduce environmental impact should be inclusive.


    Actions that organisations can take to reduce the environmental impact of operations and programs include:

    • Analysing environmental risks and opportunities.
    • Conducting environmental impact assessments.
    • Implementing a design appraisal tool or set of criteria requiring an assessment of environmental risk.
    • Periodic reporting on environmental impact reductions.


    DFAT Good Practice Note: Assess and manage environmental risks and impacts
    DFAT's guidance on how to screen, assess, and manage environmental risks when planning and implementing an investment.

    Credit: DFAT

    Thorough reading time: 1-2 hours
    No. of pages: 25

    DFAT's Environmental and Social Safeguarding Policy (2019)
    DFAT's Policy for Environmental and Social Safeguards

    Credit: DFAT

    Thorough reading time: 1-2  hours
    No. of pages: 26

    DFAT's Environmental and Social Safeguard Operational Procedures (2019)
    The Environmental and Social Safeguard Operational Procedures (operational procedures) guides how to implement DFAT’s Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy (safeguard policy) at each step of the aid management cycle described in the Aid Programming Guide (APG). The operational procedures provide advice on how to manage safeguards when working with partner organisations and where to get more safeguard guidance and tools.

    Credit: DFAT

    Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
    No. of pages: 44

    DFAT's Social and Environmental Safeguarding Screening Tool
    DFAT's tool for screening and managing risks related to environmental impact (as well as other social risks)

    Credit: DFAT
    Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)
    This portal has tools which can assess if existing and planned strategies, programs and projects are at risk from climate change, environmental degradation and natural hazards, as well as whether these interventions could further exacerbate GHG emissions, environmental degradation or risks of natural hazards. includes tools for rapid assessment, analysis of strategies and programs and detailed analysis of projects.

    Credit: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

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