Section outline

  • Increasing adaptation assistance is an adaptation response at the policy and advocacy level. The objective is to effect global and regional policies and treaties to support countries, communities and individuals.


    Adaptation policy and advocacy initiatives should be evidence-based. They should be informed by and offer credible research and analysis. Where possible, they should be supported by ANGOs’ experiences and firsthand evidence collected from development and humanitarian programs.

    Adaptation policy and advocacy initiatives should be equitable. They should seek to ensure that global efforts to adapt to climate change prioritise and account for the differentiated needs of groups most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

    Adaptation policy and advocacy initiatives should be inclusive. They should include the voices of people and communities most affected by climate change. Where possible, they should be led by local communities.


    Key advocacy issues for increasing adaptation assistance include:

    • Increasing the amount of adaptation funding or finance that is available to countries most at risk of climate change impacts.
    • Ensuring climate change finance mechanisms support priority access for thos most affected by climate change.
    • Ensuring climate finance mechanisms (especially market-based mechanisms) include safeguards for human rights.
    • Urgent, scaled-up, new and additional finance for addressing loss and damage.
    • Enhanced institutional arrangements fo facilitating action and support to address loss and damage.
    • Advancing climate justice in international law.
    • Ensuring climate policy and programs are centred in climate justice and equity principles.
    • Working in solidarity with communities to support climate justice.


    Shifting the Power Coalition (2022)Downloads a Word document
    Shifting the Power Coalition is an example of a regional coalition of feminist civil society organisations coming together to champion women’s leadership and presenting an amplified voice on humanitarian response and climate resilience

    Credit: ACFID

    Thorough reading time: 10-15 minutes
    No. of pages: 2

    UNEP Adaptation Gap Report (2023)Downloads a Word document
    This report identifies seven ways to increase financing, including through domestic expenditure and international and private sector finance. Additional avenues include remittances, increasing and tailoring finance to Small and Medium Enterprises and a reform of the global financial architecture. 

    Credit: UNEP

    Thorough reading time: 4-6 hours
    No. of pages: 112

    Taking a gender sensitive approach to climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation (2022)Downloads a Word document
    Policy position paper on climate change by the International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA).

    Credit: IWDA

    Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
    No. of pages: 9

    A Little Less Conversation: Adaptation and Mitigation (2023)Downloads a Word document
    Adaptation and mitigation are two terms commonly used in connection with how to approach responses to climate change: do we spend our energies trying to address the root causes of climate change, or do we work on strategies to help us adapt? In this episode, Sala George Carter of the Australian National University and climate change activist Lisa Viliamu Jameson join us to discuss the twin approaches.

    Credit: Good Will Hunters, WWF, ACFID

    Listening time: 50 minutes
    Falling Short: Australia's Role in Funding Fairer Climate Action in a Warming World (2022)Downloads a Word document
    In Falling Short: Australia’s role in funding fairer climate action in a warming world, an alliance led by Oxfam Australia and ActionAid Australia has called for the Australia Government to increase its ambition on climate finance, emphasising progressive climate action as vital if Australia is to fulfill its duty as a wealthy country and major polluter. This includes supporting a Pacific Islands proposal for a standalone finance arm to address loss and damage.

    Credit: Edmund Rice Centre, Caritas Australia, Jubilee Australia, the Australia Institute, Actionaid, OXFAM Australia

    Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
    No. of pages: 40

    Revitalising the Green Climate Fund (2023)Downloads a Word document
    This policy brief argues that the Green Climate Fund has a unique role to play in the global climate finance landscape. Several key reforms will, however, be necessary if the GCF is to deliver on its full potential and justify a scale-up in its activities.

    Credit: Lowy Institute

    Thorough reading time: 45-60 minutes
    No. of pages: 19

    Halftime at COP28: Reflections from DubaiDownloads a Word document
    An article about how a global Loss and Damage fund should be structured.

    Credit: Lowy Institute

    Thorough reading time: 5-10 minutes
    Oxfam response to Australia climate finance announcement (2023)Downloads a Word document
    A media release from OXFAM Australia in response to the announcement that Australia will lift its cliamte finance spend from $2billion to $3 billion.

    Credit: OXFAM Australia

    Thorough reading time: 5-10 minutes
    The future is a choice: The Oxfam Framework and Guidance for Resilient Development (2015)Downloads a Word document
    This document ncludes descriptions of 'Pathways to resilient development outcomes' inclusive of: working collaboratively; understanding risk, fragility and vulnerability; designing for the long term and ongoing adaptive management


    Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
    No. of pages: 43

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