Section outline

  • Organisational climate risk is an adaptation response at the operational level. The objective of organisational climate risk actions is to mitigate climate change risks to an organisation's programs, operations, assets, and staff.


    Actions to reduce an organisation's climate risk should be evidence-based. They should be informed by robust climate assessments, and they should be informed by credible local climate change data or projects.

    Actions to reduce an organisation's climate risk should be equitable. They should consider how climate risks may impact differently on staff and how risk management measures can account for these.

    Actions to reduce an organisation's climate risk should be inclusive. They should involve local staff, community members and leaders to support the identification of local climate risks.


    Actions that organisations can take to start identifying and planning for climate change risks to programs and operations include:

    • Including climate change risks in the organisation's strategic and operational risk register.
    • Ensuring that country strategies, security and contingency plans include an analysis of potential short to medium term climate change impacts on operations, programs, assets, and staff.
    • Identifying and disseminating credible climate projections, as downscaled as possible, for all operational and program areas to relevant managers and staff.
    • Ensuring the design of all new projects considers the projected climate change impacts for the targeted areas and assesses the potential impact of these changes on project outcomes and sustainability.


    Climate Change: Questions for your Governing Body (2022)Downloads a Word document
    Questions developed by ACFID to help your governing body to work out where they stand on discharging their duties concerning climate change, and what else they may need to do.

    Credit: ACFID

    Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
    No. of pages: 15

    Climate risk governance guide (2021) in new tab
    Guidance by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) to assist directors address climate change governance. The guide provides a plain-language introduction and practical steps.

    Credit: Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)

    Thorough reading time: 1-2hours
    No. of pages: 30

    Climate Governance for NFP Directors: Starting the Journey to Net Zero (2023) in new tab
    This Guide includes specific examples and practical resources for how directors of NFPs can take action to address climate change, such as reducing energy consumption or transitioning to renewable energy sources. It also provides an overview of the importance of engagement with stakeholders and highlights the risks and opportunities of addressing climate change.

    Credit: Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and pwc

    Thorough reading time: 1-2hours
    No. of pages: 45

    Climate Change and organisational strategy: Developing strategy for a changing environment from the perspective of the board (2023)
     in new tabThis document explores how to integrate climate change into your organisation's strategy and consider ways to create commercial value in an economy transitioning to net zero.

    Credit: Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)

    Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
    No. of pages: 7

    Connecting Climate Change and Strategy (2022)
     in new tabThis webinar covers embedding climate opportunity and risk into strategic thinking; how to undertake climate change scenario planning; building capacity in the board and executive team; key questions directors should be asking themselves; and, insights from directors working at the cutting edge.

    Credit: Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)

    Duration of the video: 60 minutes

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