Section outline
These resources are more general and related to the Climate Action Framework as a whole.
Guidance for the development of a Climate Action Policy (2024)Downloads a Word document
This guidance document provides ACFID members with practical steps to integrate climate action into their organizational policies, emphasizing the importance of addressing climate change across operations, programming, and advocacy. It includes compliance indicators and good practice suggestions to help organizations minimize their environmental impact and promote sustainability.
Credit: ACFID
Thorough reading time: 45-60 minutes
No. of pages: 13Climate Action Framework for the Australian International Development Sector (2021)Downloads a Word document
This Climate Action Framework has been developed to support Australian international development NGOs increase their engagement and action on climate change.
Credit: ACFID
Thorough reading time: 45-60 minutes
No. of pages: 19Climate Action Framework for the Australian International Development Sector - Summary (2021)Downloads a Word document
This Climate Action Framework has been developed to support Australian international development NGOs increase their engagement and action on climate change.
Credit: ACFID
Thorough reading time: 10-15 minutes
No. of pages: 4Introduction to Climate Change and Development Downloads a Word document
This module on Learn with ACFID will help develop your understanding of definitions for key climate change terms; emissions and the urgency for action addressing climate change; the relationship between vulnerability, power imbalance and gender inequity; and, impacts of climate change for humanitarian and development work.
Credit: ACFID
Time needed to complete: 20-30 minutesIntegrating climate action into CSO programming: A "How To Guide" (2023)Downloads a Word document
This document provides guidance to NGOs and CSOs on how to take first steps to integrate climate action into their organisations and programs. The audience is primarily organisations who do not have a direct link to climate change through their programs, thus may find it challenging to consider how climate change is relevant to them.
Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
No. of pages: 22Integrating climate change action across the Australian international development sector: Enablers of Best Practice (2022)Downloads a Word document
This report provides grounded and practical examples of best practice for climate change integration. Case studies are linked to different aspects of ACFID’s Climate Action Framework to demonstrate the various approaches some organisations have taken to integrate climate action into policy, programs and practice.
Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
No. of pages: 15Integrating climate change action across the Australian international development sector: Setting te scene for ANGOs (2022)Downloads a Word document
This document is aimed at ACFID members, and it describes the system in which Australian NGOs (ANGOs) operate for integrating climate change considerations in their development programming. This document also provides a background of the types of climate change programming ANGOs undertake, and their local engagement approaches in-country – and provides links to the ACFID Climate Action Framework (described in Section 1.2) where possible.
Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
No. of pages: 7Climate Change and disaster resilience - integration for transformation
Duration of the video: 1hour 35 minutes
Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change Conversations (2014)Downloads a Word document
This series is a collectionof lecture videos from the free UBC course Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change Conversations, which tackles the scientific and socio-political dimensions of climate change. This course introduces the basics of the climate system, models and predictions, human and natural impacts, mitigative and adaptive responses, and the evolution of climate policy.
Credit: University of British Columbia
Duration of the videos (in total): 7-8hours approxUnderstanding Climate ChangeDownloads a Word document
Key information about climate change - what it is, its effects on communities and actions to solve the crisis.
Credit: OXFAM
Thorough reading time: 20-30 minutes
No. of pages: 11Resilience Handbook (2016)Downloads a Word document
This handbook aims to support the effectiveness of work with communities by providing guidance, tools and resources to support resilience building in programming. It provides readers with a framework for resilience that can be applied in different programme environments, and includes principles of effective programming
Credit: Action Aid
Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
No. of pages: 66weADAPTDownloads a Word document
weADAPT is a global, collaborative community of research, policy and practice on climate change adaptation issues. Find the latest knowledge, share your work and connect with others working on similar issues.
Credit: weADAPTCare Climate and Resilience Academy: Climate Justice and Gender JusticeDownloads a Word document
In these courses on climate justice and gender justice, you will get a better understanding of how climate justice and gender justice are linked and what is needed to implement gender-transformative and gender-responsive interventions.
Credit: Care
Duration of course: 30 minutes10 Things to know: Gender equality and achieving climate goals (2019)Downloads a Word document
This guide highlights the advantages and challenges of pursuing climate compatible development from a gender perspective.
Credit: Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
No. of pages: 35Gender and Climate Change Training Handbook (2018)Downloads a Word document
This handbook aims to improve the understanding of gender aspects in climate change. It is intended for experts and interested public, and is organized as a training program for male and female representatives of institutions and state administration, so that it may can be used as a source for practical training, as well as a guide for the introduction of gender perspective in programs and projects. The manual is organized according to thematic units of training and includes basic concepts, gender roles and stereotypes; key gender aspects of climate change; legal and strategic frameworks; and the introduction of gender perspectives in policies and programs in the field of climate change.
Credit: UN Women
Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
No. of pages: 57Making It Count. Integrating Gender into Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Practical How-to Guide (2015)Downloads a Word document
This guide has been developed for project staff, Government and non-Government partners to use during design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of climate change and disaster risk reduction activities. It gives suggestions on how to practically address gender and women’s empowerment in climate change and DRR projects, or projects which have integrated climate change and DRR considerations.
Credit: Care
Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
No. of pages: 101The intersection of sexual and reproductive health and rights and the climate crisis (2022)
This panel session from ACFID Conference 2022 explores the social, economic and health implications of the climate crisis for women and young girls, with a focus on the Asia Pacific Region.
Credit: ACFID
Duration of the video: 1 hour
Come Heat or High Water: Tackling the humanitarian impacts of the climate crisis together (2022)
In this Webinar watch the launch of this flagship Red Cross report entitled "Come heat or high water: tackling the humanitarian impacts of the climate crisis together", which focusses on understanding the humanitarian impacts of climate change.
Credit: ACFID
Duration of the video: 1 hour 5 minutes
Children in a Changing ClimateDownloads a Word document
Established in 2007, Children in a Changing Climate (CCC) advocates for and promotes the rights of children in climate change and disaster risk reduction policy and practice.
Credit: Children in a Changing ClimateEnvironment and Climate Action: Investing in Sustainable Outcomes for Children (2022)
This report presents the results of that review, describing the different areas of work and highlighting examples of environment and climate action in our field programmes. The authors have identified promising practices and make recommendations that are relevant for agencies working towards a climate-safe future for children.
Credit: World Vision
Thorough reading time: 1.5-2 hours
No. of pages: 28Gender Equality, Women's Voice and Resilience (2019)Downloads a Word document
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide CARE and partner staff with direction for integrating gender equality and women’s voice into their resilience-related work, by explaining:
- The importance of GEWV in resilience-related work;
- Strategies for enhancing resilience through GEWV;
- Key gender actions to consider in resilience-related projects;
- Practical examples of gender considerations in resilience-related projects; and
- Different tools and resources to support GEWV and resilience within projects.
Credit: Care
Thorough reading time: 45-60 minutes
No. of pages: 20Using Community-Centred Approaches to Build Resilience to Scale (2018)Downloads a Word document
This Evidence Brief synthesises evidence of how Oxfam is working to support community-centred approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, delivering outcomes for people who are at risk from disasters and climate change
Credit: OXFAM
Thorough reading time: 30-45 minutes
No. of pages: 12Pacific gender and climate change toolkit (2015)
The Pacific Gender and Climate Change toolkit is designed to support climate change practitioners in the Pacific islands region to integrate gender into their programmes and projects.
Credit: UN Women
Thorough reading time: 2-3 hours
No. of pages: 76
Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action: Strategic Roadmap for a Thriving Environment for Children (2024) in a new tab
The document is World Vision’s Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action (ESCA) Strategic Roadmap for 2024-2027, outlining a faith-based approach to protect children’s rights in a changing climate through ecosystem restoration, sustainable agriculture, and community resilience to disasters. It emphasizes partnerships, innovation, and mobilizing funds for climate action to create a thriving environment for future generations.
Credit: World Vision
Thorough reading time: 1.5-2hours
No. of pages: 29
Grant calendar for NGOs in the Aus-Pacific
The Calendar details upcoming climate and environment grants, who they’re for, and how often they run. You can add your own grants or grants you know of, or subscribe so you're emailed when there's a new grant suitable for your project or org.
Credit: Climates